
Lodgement Rates & Thresholds | 2022-23 Issue

To save you having to laboriously search for the right tax rate or relevant threshold, the essential information is right here in one place.

This guide includes tax rates, offset limits and benchmarks, rebate levels, allowances, and essential super as well as FBT rates and thresholds (including current gross-up factors) and student loan repayment rates.


What is a Director ID

Some of you may be a director of a company and need to set up your Director ID

Directors are now required to register for a unique identification number that they will keep for life.

What is a director ID?

A director ID is a 15 digit identification number that, once issued, will remain with that director for life regardless of whether they stop being a director, change companies, change their name, or move overseas.

The introduction of the Director Identification Number (DIN) is part of the Government’s Modernisation of Business Registers (MBR) Program creating greater transparency, and preventing the potential for fraud and phoenix company activity. The MBR will unify the Australian Business Register and 31 ASIC business registers, including the register of companies. In effect, the system will create one source of truth across Government agencies for individuals and entities and will be managed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

For those concerned about their privacy, the director ID will not be searchable by the public and will not be disclosed without the consent of the Director.

Timeframes for registration

For Corporation Act directors:

Date you become a director

Date you must apply

On or before 31 October 2021

By 30 November 2022

Between 1 November 2021 and
4 April 2022

Within 28 days of appointment

From 5 April 2022

Before appointment

For CATSI directors:

Date you become a director

Date you must apply

On or before 31 October 2022

By 30 November 2023

From 1 November 2022

Before appointment

If the company intends to appoint new directors, it will be
important to ensure that they are aware of the requirements and timeframes to
establish their director ID if they do not already have one.

Foreign directors and the director ID system

Foreign directors of Australian companies have the same requirements and deadlines as Australian resident directors, however, the verification process is only accessible in paper form.

One primary and two secondary forms of identification are required to accompany the application that have been certified by a notary publics or by staff at the nearest Australian embassy, high commission or consulate, including consulates headed by Austrade honorary consuls. Primary forms of identification include a birth certificate or passport, and secondary include driver’s licence, foreign government identifier, or national photo identification card.

In the presence of the applicant, the authorised certifier must certify that each copy is a true and correct copy of the original document by sighting the original document, stamping, signing and annotating the copy of the identity document to state, ‘I have sighted the original document and certify this to be a true and correct copy of the original document sighted'. initialling each page listing their name, date of certification, phone number and position.

The form and the accompanying documents will need to be sent by mail to Australian Business Registry Services using the details provided.

Directors in name only

It’s important that anyone agreeing to be a director understands the implications. Being a director is not just a title; it is a responsibility. At a financial level, directors are responsible for ensuring that the company does not trade while insolvent. The by-product of this is that the directors may be held personally liable for the debt incurred. The director penalty regime has also tightened up in recent years to ensure that directors are personally liable for PAYG withholding, net GST, and superannuation guarantee charge liabilities if the company fails to meet its obligations by the due date. For many small businesses, the directors are also often personally responsible for company loans secured against property such as the family home.

Failing to perform your duties as a director is a criminal offence with fines of up to $200,000 and five years in prison.

Ignorance is not a legal defence. Don’t sign anything unless you understand the consequences.

Who needs a director ID?

All directors of a company, registered Australian body, registered foreign company or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation will need a director ID. This includes directors of a corporate trustee of self-managed super funds (SMSF).

You do not need a director ID if you are running a business as a sole trader or partnership, or you are a director in your job title but have not been appointed as a director under the Corporations Act or Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act (CATSI).

The company secretary or officeholder should keep a register of the IDs of their directors in a secure place - director IDs are governed by the same privacy rules that apply to Tax File Numbers (TFNs) and should not be disclosed unless required.

How to set up a director ID

If you are an Australian resident director, you will need to complete a number of steps and have a number of identification documents available and ready (for non-resident directors see Foreign directors and the director ID system below).

1 Verify your identify
If you establish your director ID online, and you have not already set up myGovID, you will need to download the app onto your phone or device and create an account.

The myGovID does not create your director ID -  the app’s only purpose is to validate your identity, and once validated, issue a code that can be used to identify you on government online services without going through the same verification process.

myGovID uses your phone/device’s camera to scan your forms of ID such as your passport, driver’s license and/ or VISA (check the documentation requirements here), to validate who you say you are. Be careful when you are scanning your documentation as the system does not always read the scan correctly.

2 Apply for your director ID through Australian Business Registry Services
Once you have set up your myGovID, you need to apply to the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) for your director ID. Use the email you used to create your myGovID to start the process.

In addition to your myGovID, you will need to have on hand documentation that matches the information held by the ATO. If you have a myGov account linked to the ATO, you can find the details on your profile. You will need:

  • Your tax file number
  • The residential address held on file by the ATO; and
  • Two documents that verify your identify such as:
    • Your bank account details held by the ATO (on your myGov ATO account, see ‘my profile/financial institution details’).
    • Dividend statement investment reference number
    • Notice of assessment (NOA) – date of issue and the reference number (on your myGov ATO account, see Tax/lodgements/income tax/history).
    • The gross amount from your PAYG payment summary
    • Superannuation details including your super fund’s ABN and your member account number

The final stage requests your personal contact details (not the company’s).

Once complete, your director ID will be issued immediately on screen. This information should be provided to your company secretary or office holder.

If any of your details change, for example a change of residential address or phone number, you will need to update your details through the ABR. You will also need to notify your company within seven days (14 days for CATSI Act directors) and the company will then need to notify the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) within 28 days.

Applying by phone or using paper forms
You can choose to verify your identify and apply for your director ID by phone (13 62 50) or on paper. You will need to have your identification documents available. If you are applying using the paper form, your identify documentation will need to be certified by an authorised certifier such as a Barrister, Justice of the Peace etc.


Budget 2021

The Government has decided not to go down the austerity path, which will be a relief for many taxpayers and businesses.

Rather, the Government has decided to put its foot on the accelerator with the hope that the growth
in the economy over a long period of time will help to pay down the debt that has been central to the
Government’s response to COVID-19.

On personal taxation, in an expected announcement, the Government confirmed that it will extend the low and middle income tax offset (LMITO) beyond 2020-21 so that taxpayers will continue to receive the tax offset (between $255 and $1,080) in the 2021-22 income year.

Download our Budget 2021-21 newsletter for details.

Please contact us for clarification, or further advice, regarding any of the topics covered in this newsletter.


Your Knowledge News - March 2021

In this edition, we take a detailed look at why some businesses returning JobKeeper payments.

We also take a look at COVID-19 vaccinations and the work place as well as the pandemic productivity gap.

We look at 2021 FBT tax and employee benefits and the extra layer of complexity due to COVID-19 lockdowns, work patterns and behaviours.

We hope you find this edition of Your Knowledge informative, and invite you to contact your CMS Advisor to discuss any of the content and how it may have an impact on you.


Your Knowledge News - February 2021

In this edition, we take a detailed look at how to sell your business as well as simplifying small business insolvency.

We also take a look at the final stage of JobKeeper and how to access it. Also a case study on a sole trader who was able to backdate his ABN has won access to JobKeeper payments in a recent case
before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)

We hope you find this edition of Your Knowledge informative, and invite you to contact your CMS Advisor to discuss any of the content and how it may have an impact on you.


Your Knowledge News - December 2020

In this edition, we take a detailed look at the risks and opportunities for the year ahead.

We also take a look at the Extended December JobKeeper deadlines and access to COVID-19 early access to super.

We hope you find this edition of Your Knowledge informative, and invite you to contact your CMS Advisor to discuss any of the content and how it may have an impact on you.


Budget 2020

We all understand that budgets are an exercise in predicting the future. Given what has happened in 2020, gazing into the crystal ball and extracting something reliable is fraught with difficulty.

The Treasury has given its best estimate, but we also need to appreciate that budgets are usually never 100% on target — that’s the nature of budgets. The question is, by how much? It will be remembered as Australia’s biggest  pending budget with a forecast deficit of $214 billion for the 2021 fiscal year.

The big news for business is the temporary full expensing of capital assets. From now until 30 June 2022, businesses with turnover up to $5 billion will be able to deduct the full cost of eligible depreciable assets of any value in the year they are installed.

As expected, the adjustments to tax rates that were originally due for implementation in the year ending 30 June 2023 have been brought forward to apply from 1 July 2020. Below is a table of the new tax rates.

The third stage of the tax cuts which are to apply from 1 July 2024 will still apply from that date. Additionally:

  • The Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (LMITO) will be retained for the 2020-21 income year.
  • The Low Income Tax Offset (LITO) will increase from $445 to $700. The increased LITO will be withdrawn at a rate of 5 cents per dollar between taxable incomes of $37,500 and $45,000. The LITO will then be withdrawn at a rate of 1.5 cents per dollar between taxable incomes of $45,000 and $66,667.

Please contact us for clarification, or further advice, regarding any of the topics covered in this newsletter.

The Second $66.1 bn Stimulus Package: What You Need To Know

The Government yesterday released a second, far reaching $66.1 bn stimulus package that boosts income support payments, introduces targeted changes to the superannuation rules, provides cash flow support of up to $100,000 for small business employers, and relaxes corporate insolvency laws.

The stimulus measures are not yet legislated. Parliament will reconvene on Monday 23 March.

The Prime Minister has warned that there are no “quick solutions” and that business should prepare for 6 months of disruption.



Lodgement Rates & Thresholds | 2019-20 Issue

To save you having to laboriously search for the right tax rate or relevant threshold, the essential information is right here in one place.

This guide includes tax rates, offset limits and benchmarks, rebate levels, allowances, and essential super as well as FBT rates and thresholds (including current gross-up factors) and student loan repayment rates.

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