Tips on customising banking apps

Most of us use banking apps for both work and personal banking.  Here are some tips on making life easier by using some of the functionality of these apps -

  • Personalise the descriptions of your accounts
    Does your banking logon have numerous accounts attached to it? Do half of them have the same account description that was automatically listed when you opened the account? Is this super confusing? Personalise the descriptions of your accounts so that you can distinguish between all of your accounts easily and quickly. (Don’t worry, doing this only changes what you see on your screen, the official account name will stay the same…and if you decide later you don’t like the description you have chosen just change it to something more appropriate).
  • Reorder the accounts displayed on your screen so that the accounts you use most frequently appear first. This saves you scrolling through accounts to find the information you are after.
  • Use the copy transaction option to again pay the same supplier from the same account.  Just remember to change the amount and reference details.
  • Close old accounts! If you don’t need an account anymore close it. It makes life simpler and streamlines your banking experience…plus, a lot bank accounts these days have fees associated with them, whether you are using the account or not. So if you don’t have the account you will not be paying fees unnecessarily.
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